
( 13:00-14:00為清潔保養時間 )
※6~8月限定 夜間延長 :  PM18:00-20:00(最後入場時間:19:30)

◆外客收費:$200/位 (請自備浴巾)


戶外戲水區 | 使用規則
1. 使用水療池及戯水池前,請先淋浴並穿著泳衣、泳褲及泳帽入池。
2. 請勿穿著鞋子或拖鞋進入水療池及戯水池。
3. 使用者應了解自身健康狀況,若有以下情形之一,禁止入池游泳
4. 禁止於池內及池邊跳水、奔跑、嬉戲、潛泳、蹲坐或站立於池邊等妨害
5. 嚴禁吸煙、喝酒、嚼食檳榔、口香糖及攜帶任何食品、飲料進入。
6. 入池前請徹底淋浴及卸妝,嚴禁皮膚表面塗抹防曬油、保養品及化妝品。
7. 請勿攜帶玻璃易碎及危險物品進入。
8. 請勿攜帶寵物及雨具進入。
9. 雨天及打雷閃電請勿使用水療池及戯水池。
10. 私人物品自行保管;物品遺失恕不負責。
11. 依據兒童福利法規定,12歲以下兒童,須由父母或監護人員陪同。

1. Please take a shower before entering the pool area. Proper swimming attire
and swimming cap are required.
2. Please do not wear shoes and slippers in the pool area.
3. Users should be aware of own health conditions and are prohibited to use the
pool if have any of the following conditions: (1)Contagious(2) skin diseases
(skin ulcer, open wounds) (3) Taken meal within 1 hour before, drunken state
sleep deprivation, impact of medication, fever over 37℃ or any other unfit
health conditions (4) Unstable blood pressure, heart conditions, diabetes and
other non-contagious diseases.
4. Do not dive, run, jump, jostle, play around, or any behavior that would affect
others in the pool area.
5. Beverages including alcohol, food, chewing beetle nuts or gum and smoking
are not allowed in the pool.
6. Do not apply sunblock and any cosmetics before entering the pool.
7. Do not bring any glass containers, porcelain items and other dangerous fragile
items into the pool.
8. Pets and rain gear re not allowed.
9. Do not use the pool in rainy days, thunder and lightning.
10. Hotel is not responsible for personal belongings, please keep your valuables
with you.
11. According to the Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act,
children under 12 years-old must be accompanied by a parent(s) or guardian(s)
for safety reason.